Sleep deprivation led me to be going to be crazy and bankrupt!
互联网Caffeine and other stimulants cannot overcome the effects of severe sleep deprivation.
——期刊摘选Overtime, sleep deprivation and giving up mealtimes may well be a display of inefficiency and inability.
加班加点, 废寝忘食有时很可能是不具备效率和工作能力的表现.
——期刊摘选Sleep deprivation tends to hamper the brain's ability to make new memories, a new study shows.
——期刊摘选Research in animals and humans suggests that chronic sleep deprivation boosts appetite also show that U.
——期刊摘选If sleep deprivation continues, hallucinations and mood swings may develop.
互联网That top - down, inhibitory connection is severed in the condition of sleep deprivation.
而睡眠剥夺情况下 自上而下 的抑制性联系被割断.
互联网Sleep deprivation or disturbances may affect the immune system capabilities.
互联网Other, more immediate effects of sleep deprivation on health and well - being have been documented by research.
互联网Many studies make it clear that sleep deprivation is dangerous.
互联网And sleep deprivation also causes car crashes, Dinges says.
缺少睡眠也会引起撞车, 丁格斯说.
互联网Some studies suggest that sleep deprivation affects the immune system in detrimental ways.
互联网To be fair, this was a man suffering from severe sleep deprivation.
公平地讲, 这个男人正遭受着严重的睡眠不足.
互联网Or sleep deprivation could mask the positive cognitive effects.
互联网Conclusion: Sleep Deprivation Provocation Test can obviously elevate masculine rate on EEG of epic children.
结论: 剥夺睡眠诱发试验能明显提高癫痫儿童脑电图阳性率.
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